
The Problem of Native Speakerism in Language Education

Native speakerism privileges ‘native speakers’ over ‘non-native’ speakers in language education, leading to discrimination for teachers and students. Solutions include redefining competence and promoting inclusivity.

The Persistent Pressure of “Publish and/or Perish” in Academia

In the intense world of academia, the pressure to “publish or perish” has led to a proliferation of academic journals. While this offers opportunities for niche fields, it also raises quality concerns and challenges in indexing. Balancing quantity and quality, promoting transparency, and rethinking metrics are crucial in addressing these complexities. Jozef Colpaert’s concept of…

The Plight of Academic Journal Editors: The Reviewer Recruitment Dilemma

The process of peer review stands as the cornerstone of scholarly communication in the intricate and complex world of academic publishing. It acts as a gatekeeper, ensuring the integrity, quality, and credibility of research before it reaches the public domain. However, the unsung heroes of this process—the peer reviewers—are often overburdened, under-recognized, and uncompensated. This…

Superficial Social Justice in Education

Introduction: Setting the Stage In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend among educational institutions towards committing more and more to social justice agendas. The primary aim of these initiatives is to foster inclusive environments that not only celebrate the rich tapestry of diversity but also address the historical inequities that have long plagued…

The Underappreciated Craft: The Plight of Language Teachers in Academia

In the vibrant, constantly evolving world of academia, language educators often find themselves positioned at a crucial intersection. This significant crossroads is a result of the increasing emphasis being placed on the fields of science and technology within the confines of educational institutions. This growing focus, although unintentional, has led to a diminished appreciation for…

Balancing Act: The Challenges of Research, Teaching, and Life for Academics – A Closer Look

The life of an academic is often romanticized and depicted as one of profound contemplation, intellectual freedom, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. This image of academia, while undoubtedly appealing and attractive, unfortunately masks the harsh and often brutal reality of the grueling balancing act that many scholars, researchers, and academics face on a daily…

Why Authors Should Choose Professional Publishers Over Independent Publishing

In the fast-paced, ever-changing world of literature that we find ourselves in today, there has been a significant rise in the trend of independent publishing. This surge has empowered a multitude of authors, providing them with the ability to take control and navigate their own journey through the publishing process. Innovative platforms, such as the…

The Economics of Open Access Publishing: A Delicate Balance Between Sustainability and Fairness

The advent of Open Access (OA) publishing has brought about a significant transformation in the way scholarly research is disseminated. By making research freely accessible to anyone who has an internet connection, it has democratized knowledge and accelerated the pace of scientific progress. However, the shift from traditional subscription-based models to open access has not…

Understanding the Resistance: Why Teachers May Hesitate to Use Technology

In the modern educational landscape, technology plays an increasingly significant role in shaping the ways we teach and learn. However, despite the potential benefits, some educators remain hesitant to integrate tech tools into their teaching practices. This resistance is often rooted in various concerns and fears. Acknowledging and addressing these concerns is paramount in order…

The Imperative of Teacher Leadership in Navigating the Complex World of Educational Technology

In the ever-changing, dynamic landscape of education, technology has rapidly emerged as an integral component of teaching and learning processes. The swift evolution of digital tools and platforms has provided educators with unprecedented opportunities to enhance the learning experience, enriching it with interactive and engaging elements. However, along with these exciting opportunities come the daunting…

The Future of Education: Embracing AI with a Balanced Perspective

In recent years, the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has sparked a wave of transformative changes across a multitude of sectors. Education, being no exception, is also witnessing a significant shift in its landscape due to the advent of AI. As we stand on the precipice of an AI revolution in the classroom, it becomes…

Benefits of Open Access in Education

In the realm of academic publishing, the concept of Open Access (OA) has gained significant traction. By allowing free and unrestricted access to scholarly content, OA is transforming the landscape of research, enabling broader dissemination and usage of information. The shift towards OA has democratized the world of academic publishing, breaking down traditional barriers and…