Technology and second language writing instruction

Yijen Wang , Ali Panahi  (2023) In: Insights into Teaching and Learning Writing (Chapter 13)

Insights into Autonomy and Technology in Language Teaching

Chun Lai  (2023) Drawing on the literature and research findings from relevant research fields, including educational technology, educational psychology, adult…

WordUp: An App that Teaches English Words through Extensive Exposure to Authentic Materials

Musa Nushi, Alireza Aghaei, Maryam Roshanbin - This paper reviews WordUp, a mobile application which fosters English vocabulary learning through…

Vocabulary and Computer Technology: A Commentary on Four Studies for JALT Vocabulary SIG

Tatsuya Nakata - Four papers by Clint Denison and Imogen Custance, Louis Lafleur, James Rogers, and Andrew Obermeier will be…

Initial Evaluation of AWSuM: A Pilot Study

Atsushi Mizumoto - This article reports on a pilot study to evaluate usability, effectiveness, and impact of Academic Word Suggestion…